MMM-MockUp (1)

How brands use MMM to continue to measure digital marketing impact

The end of the cookie is pressuring marketers to add more tools to their measurement toolbox, arguably a change for the better when those tools should have been there already. Two of the most important tools for every marketer are testing and marketing mix modelling (MMM).

With such a strong case behind it, marketers should be chomping at the bit to use MMM. But many brands we talk to often assume that MMM is either too slow or too expensive to be worthwhile. The good news: marketers have more ways to start using MMM than ever before, with a smorgasbord of options across a spectrum of lower to higher support, complexity, and maturity.

This report covers:
- Homegrown MMM models
- Self serve and software-as-a-service (SaaS) MMM models
- Full service MMM

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