
In-depth insights to help marketers improve their digital advertising
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case study

How DBS Bank reinvents brand campaigns through innovative storytelling and a full-funnel approach

We explore how adopting a digital-first mindset led DBS Bank to create an ongoing, industry-first creative campaign,

case study

Reaching European football fans with Facebook in-stream video ads

We show you how this UEFA Champions League sponsor reached more than double its forecasted campaign audience with exciting Facebook video ads.

case study

Fueling acquisition across the funnel

We will show how we worked with M&S to rejuvenate its brand with a key demographic to drive new customer purchase.

case study

Retail giant, John Lewis, increases ROI with Display & Video 360 Custom Bidding

We  show how we are helping clients gain a competitive advantage by customising algorithmic bidding to match specific marketing goals.


DTC Facebook strategy guide ​

We show how DTCs can get back to growth by taking a wider perspective on the customer journey and developing more strategic ways of working on Facebook.

case study

Using Google Custom Bidding to boost digital advertising value

We show how Google's new Custom Bidding algorithm on DV360 has the potential to add significant value to digital advertising campaigns.


Emerge Stronger Webinar

In this webinar recording we show how you can adapt your media strategy to the new normal of consumer behaviour in the time of Covid-19.


Digital Media Trends for 2020

What digital media trends should advertisers be aware of as we head into 2020?


Cracking the in-housing Rubik's cube

The guide for brands seeking to make their in-house approach to programmatic more than just a grand plan.


Digital advertising in a post-cookie world

Google's new privacy tools threatens to kill digital advertising as we know it

case study

Advising Deutsche Telekom on its paid media transformation

How could we help Deutsche Telekom's new in-housed operating model to increase control over its advertising?


Centralising your international programmatic advertising

Is moving away from a localised approach to managing advertising the first step to regaining control?


Stop wasting your money on blackbox ad networks

Watch our 3-part series where we look into the challenges of ad networks for performance marketing.


5 steps to effective performance marketing

Learn how your performance budget can be used to drive real growth with digital advertising.

case study

Bringing programmatic intelligence to out-of-home for John Lewis

To drive awareness of John Lewis' Home Solutions business, we created the first real-time traded outdoor advertising campaign.


Measuring what matters

Discover how to improve the measurement of your digital advertising and determine your true incremental uplift.


Guide to: brand safety, ad fraud and viewability in programmatic

How to minimise waste and protect your brand, without sacrificing performance.


WFA global market maturity report summary findings

Advertisers need to tailor their approach according to market development.  

case study

How MBNA proved the true impact of display

Our award winning campaign for MBNA to measure the incremental uplift of display advertising.


The problem with ads.txt

Advertisers may be damaging their campaigns with blanket ads.txt adoption says new research from Infectious Media.


Measurement needs a fix

Read our revealing new research report into digital marketers' attitudes to measurement of programmatic advertising.


The in-house programmatic trend

Read our new research report into the current attitudes and trends from advertisers about their programmatic strategy.

case study

Expedia: Using Programmatic Guaranteed to access the best inventory

Read how we were able to help Expedia guarantee access to the right people in the right place and beat its CPA target by 82%.


What are the leading challenges in programmatic media?

Learn what keeps marketers up at night, and why ad fraud and brand safety are so troublesome.


The ISBA programmatic guide

Written with ISBA, this guide walks you through everything you need to know to get started with programmatic.